The composition of the Board of Trustees of Berkswell Charities reflects the local community of Berkswell and Balsall Common and the wider area of benefit.
The Charity Constitution defines the composition of the Board of Trustees for Berkswell Charities CIO which is made up of a maximum of eleven Trustees; one is Ex Officio being the Rector for the Parish of Berkswell; and up to two Nominated Trustees appointed by the Parochial Church Council (PCC).
Trustee positions are all voluntary and between them, they have a wide range of experience. They are responsible for ensuring the Charities’ objects are carried out properly and within the law.
From time to time, a Trustee vacancy may arise. If you would like to express an interest in getting involved, please provide your details via our contact form.
Andrew Yates
Andrew joined Berkswell Charities as a trustee in April 2021 and has lived in Balsall Common since 2002. Andrew qualified as a Deck Officer in the Merchant Navy then had a career in shipping and ashore and retired in 2023.
Brendan Connor OBE JP DL
Brendon joined Berkswell Charities as a trustee in April 2021. Brendan has held senior private, public, and charitable sector roles having lived and worked in the West Midlands for 35 years. Brendan was awarded the OBE for public service in 2021.
Revd Canon Dr Mark Bratton
Ex-Officio Trustee
Mark joined Berkswell Charities as a trustee ex officio in April 2012. Mark is the Rector of St John Baptist Church in Berkswell and also sits as a church foundation governor ex officio of Berkswell C of E Primary School.
Jane Edwards
Jane joined Berkswell Charities as a trustee in April 2012. Jane was a long-term Local Government officer in Birmingham dealing predominantly with property matters and the voluntary sector but is now retired. Volunteers for English Heritage.
David Bell
David joined Berkswell Charities as a trustee in August 2021. David is a former Chartered Surveyor, Mayor of Solihull, and Chairman of the Planning Committee. Currently, David is an Honorary Alderman and Governor of the Lady Katherine Leveson Trust in Temple Balsall.
Christopher Powell
Chris joined Berkswell Charities as a trustee in May 2018. Chris is a Qualified Chartered Accountant (F.C.A.), and a former Churchwarden at St John Baptist Church Berkswell. Chris is the chair of the Singer Foundation, a grant-making charity focussing on Enterprise, where he has been a trustee for nine years. Chris works part-time as a Finance Manager of a property management company renting warehouse space to tenants in Birmingham.
Norman Childs
Norman joined Berkswell Charities as a trustee in June 2022 through the Church PCC. Norman has a background in journalism and then as a PR and marketing manager in the motor industry for over thirty years. Before retiring, Norman managed the Blythe Valley Innovation Centre for Warwick University Science Park, mentoring young technology and knowledge based companies – many of them start-ups. He was responsible for maintaining the building and all services for tenants. He has lived in Berkswell Parish for over 45-years.
Susan Walton
Sue joined Berkswell Charities as a trustee in April 2023. Sue is a retired Social worker with over 40 years in the field of adult social care and has a MA in Safeguarding Adults: Law, Policy, and Practice. Sue currently volunteers at Balsall Common Memory Café and Little Ray of Sunshine Dementia Café.
Alison Oldham
Allie joined Berkswell Charities as a trustee in November 2023. Allie has recently moved to the area having lived and worked in the Cotswolds for over 20 years. Allie is a Marketing Consultant within the home shopping sector.
Graham Lock
Graham joined Berksell Charities as a trustee in November 2023. Graham has lived in Berkswell since 2006 and is a committee member of the Berkswell Society and former chairman of Berkswell Parish Council. He is the Founder and co-director of Low Carbon Homes Ltd, a business focussed on supporting Local Authorities, Housing Associations and a wide range of local stakeholders in their drive to upgrade and decarbonise domestic property, while capturing the wider economic and social benefits of retrofitting to ensure that residents live in healthy, comfortable and affordable homes.
Graham Parry
Graham joined Berkswell Charities as a trustee in November 2023, nominated by the Church PCC. Now retired, his career was in the energy industry, constructing power plants around the world. Graham has lived in Berkswell since 1994, during which time he has formerly been a Berkswell Parish Councillor, Primary School Governor, Berkswell Society Committee member and is currently a Governor at Heart of England Academy and President of Berkswell & Balsall Rugby Football club.
Louise Daintith
The Clerk at Berkswell Charities
Louise has been a practising Solicitor since 1993 and was appointed as Clerk to the Trustees on the 1st of January 2019
Gail McKenzie Finance and Minutes Clerk
Gail joined the Charity in September 2024 moving from Surrey the same year. Gail worked at Elmbridge Council for 22 years supporting local charities which included administering grants, organising voluntary sector forums and events to support older people.
Registered with the Charity commission of England and Wales Charity Number 1194243. Registered with the Regulator of Social Housing Registered Number 5189. Member of the Housing Ombudsman Service.
Registered with the Almshouse Association Registration Number M310